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H&M, the only reason broke individuals like yours truly still manage to look half decent, has decided a high-end(read pricey) line is in order. While poor profits and margins could be a factor,  this development is very interesting for the simple reason that I can think of no mass market retailers who have attempted and been successful at trading up to a premium market. The reverse happens ever so often – designers and their dime a dozen diffusion lines are a relatively safe bet since the designer brand more often than not cements its place as a “premium” brand and counts on the customer buying the lower priced line for the “brand name”  and the affordability factor. But in this case, H&M in my mind(and many others) is synonymous with super cool stuff that cost a few bucks and last fewer washes. But to be fair, H&M already operates a similar concept of stores called COS in Europe so it is a probability they might try to follow it’s tried and tested format here. I am of course going to hope this works for them, but for the moment I am happy with my good ol’ h&m. And my wallet is happy too 😉
Here are some looks from COS. What do you’ll think?